Tuesday, April 28, 2009


Good Morning!

Yes, it’s been awhile since I’ve updated.

As many of you know, I do NOT like the word “busy.” It gets thrown around way to much these days. Therefore, I try to refrain from using it whenever possible. Instead, I choose to use the word FULFILLED. Yes, life has being very fulfilling lately. So many things going on these days…wonderful things!

That is not to say that “bumps” in the road don’t come along now and again. I had surgery last week (not to worry, all is well!!), so bumps still come up. However, God’s Holy Word tells us to EXPECT trials. He never promised us a perfect life, this side of Heaven. But He did promise to be with us through it all.

Last week Saturday I had the honor of speaking at our church’s women’s conference. What a wonderful experience! It’s amazing how God can bring over 200 women together, unite them through His power and change lives! He never ceases to amaze me!

I spoke about how we can tap into HOPE…God’s hope, even in the midst of struggles. I admitted to the ladies that there was a time early in this “cancer journey” that I hated the word HOPE. To me, it conveyed a message of doubt, i.e., when someone would say to me, “I hope your test all turn out okay,” or “I hope you don’t get too sick from your chemo.” I was convinced that they really didn’t BELIEVE the tests would be okay or that I wouldn’t get too sick. If they BELIEVED it, they would have said, “Your tests are going to turn out okay and you are not going to get too sick from chemo.”

Not that long ago, in preparation for my KU workshop, I looked up synonyms for the word HOPE. The following words are what I found: ANTICIPATE, EXPECTATION, OPTIMISM, TRUST

Then I went to God’s Word and looked up the definition of HOPE. This is what was said: To desire something with confident expectation of its fulfillment.

I began to see my own perception of the word HOPE was terribly flawed.

So, how do we grow our HOPE and FAITH in the midst of trials? Stay tuned! For now, ask yourself how much HOPE you have today. If you’re feeling low on HOPE, what can you do to change that? Pray in to the Spirit and see what He says...and check back soon for more thoughts.

Monday, April 6, 2009


Hello to all!

Well, KU is not in the championship game, so here I am…writing my next entry. I was going to watch the game as long as it was “a game,” but with the lead NC has, I’m better off at the computer. Here’s to last year: ROCK CHALK! Lemony, lemony, lemony…woo! (That last part is something few will understand).

Well, a new week is upon us. Maybe it’s already been a week in which you’re ready to get through it quickly. You know, I used to be like that; always looking to Wednesday (Hump Day) and then Friday (TGIF!). I also used to say, “I can’t wait until ____.” That is, until Leukemia hit.

Before AML, my mom used to tell me, “Don’t wish your life away.” Mom was, and still is, right. We do too much of that. Looking to the next day off, the next vacation, the next whatever. Mom doesn’t have to say that to me anymore. I finally get the picture…but it took a life altering situation to make me see it.

What about TODAY? Even if it’s got some bumps along the way…it’s a day of life! Loren came up with a great acronym when I was very sick and in the hospital. I would long for home, to see family, and friends. He’d bring me back to the present with TGIT (Thank God It’s Today!) It really did help me get through tough days.

I’m probably getting a bit sappy, but that’s how it is. I don’t say, “I can’t wait,” anymore. Sure, it’s okay to be excited about something that’s coming up, but in reality we CAN wait. Waiting is good for us. It’s in the waiting that patience is tested and tried.

Joyce Meyer once said that patience is not her ability to wait; it is how she acts while she’s waiting. Ouch. I’ve fallen short many times; trying to keep a good attitude in the wait, but slipping up time and time again.

In our fast paced world nowadays, technology has given us “instant” everything. Waiting has become harder and harder to do. But it still is a fact life!

So, what can happen when we have to wait? We can get jealous of others who seem to have what we’re waiting for, have a pity party, or just plain give up. None of these are very good options.

God’s work in us is always multifaceted and can take time. To us, this can appear to be a complication. Rest assured; He’s got it all under control. Let God be God in your life, take a deep breath (really, take a deep breath right now), and join me in finding JOY in the wait. It won’t be easy, but I’ll bet if we all just give it a try…we can start a revolution!

Oh, and try this: Smile when you feel yourself getting impatient, for example, in a long checkout line. It’s hard to do, but NOT impossible! People may think you’re a little wacky, but you’ll feel better! :)

Wednesday, April 1, 2009


Well, I never cease to be amazed at the goodness of God. Thanks for all of your prayers regarding my seminar last night, "Spirituality and Dealing With Cancer." We had 27 folks in attendance...some in the room with me, some by ITV and 11 by Elluminate. We're already planning a "Spirituality and Coping With Cancer Part II" for June or August. Amazing!

Of course, the enemy had to interfere and the computer that fed the Elluminate and my power point, when everything went dead with ten minutes left...just when I was getting into the meat and potatoes of the "solutions" part of the program. Those of you who know me well, know I hate to leave things incomplete. So, we'll just do another program this summer and take care of it. In the meantime, please forward this site, my email; soulart02@hotmail.com, to anyone you think could use some extra help getting through some rough times of life.

I want to speak about discernment today. We all are going about life so fast paced. I'm including myself in this, as well! Often times we don't like waiting on things. Everything is "instant" in our society. In the past almost three years I have HAD to learn to be more patient...wait...rest...and know that God was in control no matter what my head was telling me. We don't develop discernment over night, it happens little by little, as we "tune into" our spirit and THE SPIRIT.

I want to understand the MIND OF GOD! Don't you? The only way I know how to do that is by studying His Holy Word. It doesn't take a lot of time...just focus on one scripture...ONE scripture a week....and you will better understand the way God thinks and in turn...YOU will think differently, too. Do you want to SEE things from God's perspective? Then take five minutes to read His words. It will change your day, your month, your life.

I will tell you this: without the Word of God...I would be DEAD! That's a strong word, I know...but it's true. God's Word got me through some of the toughest days of my life. Days when I wanted to close my eyes and surrender to the pain. Loren knows this is true because he was the one I told that to..."I'm just going to close my eyes and go." Obviously, he didn't let me! Thank you, Honey! Hebrews 11:6 got me through some of the hardest days, "...without faith, it is IMPOSSIBLE to please God." Wow. That's a huge statement. If we don't have faith, God is NOT happy with us.

I had to remember these words with every part of my being. If I gave up....I was giving up on His words....and He wouldn't like that. So, I had to KEEP THE FAITH and keep pressing in and on. You see, this ONE scripture saved me from death many days and ONE scripture can get you through, too.

Open your bible!!!!! Find ONE scripture...and cling to it in this next week...Holy Week. Let God lead you to it...and then study it and meditate on it. It will become part of you forever.

Don't feed the fear...and keep moving forward! (Thank dear Orville...for that "forward" phrase...and for watching over us from heaven!)